There are a number of places where the original text is uncertain and the editor or translator simply has to be guided by what is most likely. (my emphasis)
In principle, however, the Hebrew text carries most weight than the Greek, since the Greek editors took a good many liberties in translation. (my emphasis)
The Formation of the Old Testament
The history of how the 'canon' (collection of acknowledged books) of the Old Testament came to be formed is also difficult to establish because of lack of information. But there is enough to show what the Old Testament contained during the period immediately before the Christian era. And this goes a long way towards establishing what Jesus and the apostles would have regarded as Scriptures. (my emphasis)
The Text of the New Testament
When we turn to the New Testament text we are confronted with such a mass of evidence that the problem is to find some basic principle of editing. We possess thousands of manuscripts: a striking contrast to the very few extant manuscripts of classical Greek authors. Not only are there thousands of Greek manuscripts; there are also a great many manuscripts of translations into Latin, Syriac, Egyptian and other languages. We also have New Testament quotations in the writings of the early church fathers. But this evidence must be used with caution, since they are not all noted for their accuracy.* (my emphasis)
The Writing of the Bible
The authorship of the Old Testament books is traditionally attributed to great leaders of the Jewish past, among them Moses, Samuel, David, Solomon and various Prophets. However, modern scholarship has concluded that many of the books are late compilations of early traditions and writing. (my emphasis)
The books of the New Testament were written during the century after Jesus' death. They were probably written in Greek, although it is possible that one or two books were first written in Aramaic and later translated into Greek. They are traditionally considered to have been written by the apostles and disciples of Jesus. Certain scholars, however, have questioned the apostolic authorship of several. (my emphasis)
All original manuscripts of the Old Testament are at present lost. We possess only late copies in Hebrew or in various ancient versions. The Hebrew texts are the product of generations of scribes and are sometimes quite altered and corrupted. (my emphasis)
The twenty-seven (27) books of the New Testament are a selection from a much larger body of early Christian writings. They represent the attempt of the Christian Church to settle on the writings that most fully present the Christian message: the fulfillment and renewal of God's promises in the person of Jesus Christ. (my emphasis)
The Council of Trent (1545-1563). This council of the Roman Catholic Church defined the biblical canon, affirming the inclusion of the biblical books that the Prostestants call the Apocrypha and asserted the equal importance of the Bible and tradition. (my emphasis)**
* Eerdman's Handbook to the Bible. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1977.
** Collier's Encyclopedia. Volume 4, MacMillan Educational Corporation, New York. P.F. Collier, Inc. London & New York, 1976.
Aramic (original spoken language of Jesus)
Hebrew/ Greek (written)
Latin-Vulgate (Translated by Jerome, 400 A.D.)
1384 Wycliff
1526 Tyndale
1535 Coverdale
1537 Matthew
1539 Great Bible
1568 Geneva Bible
1568 Bishop's Bible
1582 Rheims, New Testament
1609 Douai, Old Testament
1611 Authorized / King James Version
1903 R.T. Weymouth, The New Testament in Modern Speech
1913 James Moffatt, A New Translation of the Bible
1917 The Holy Scripture
1927 E.T. Goodspeed, The Complete Bible: An American Translation
1944 Ronald Knox, The Holy Bible
1946 The Revised Standard Version (The Common Bible)
1950 The New World Testament
1955 H.J. Schonfield, The Authentic New Testament
1958 J.B. Phillips, New Testament in Modern English
1958 The Amplified Bible
1959 The Holy Bible: The Berkely Version in Modern English
1961 The New English Bible
1966 The Jerusalem Bible
1966 Today's English Version
1970 New American Bible
1971 New American Standard Bible
1971 Kenneth Taylor, The Living Bible
1973 New International Version
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